New  lesson

Learn how to fold origami using beautiful,
colourful paper with traditional Japanese patterns. 
We will teach you how to fold and assemble units to create beautiful, 
complex designs, such as garlands and mobiles,
which will be great decorations or perfect gifts
for your family and friends this Christmas.
Lessons November and December -
Create one of a kind Christmas ornaments.
Lessons February and March -
Fold simple units, cubes and balls to piece together.
Date: beginner  2nd Novermber(wed) 7th December(wed)
          Advanced  16th November(wed) 21st December(wed)
Time: 2:00-3:00
Place: FORMS
           Unit 16 Camden Lock Place London,NW1 8AF
Price: £15
First come first served 
Classes for adults only
Reservations necessary in advance,
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